Expert Implant Placement Techniques for Your Dental Needs

Welcome to Kim Dental Implants, where Dr. Kevin Kim provides a wide selection of cutting-edge Washington dental implants, customized to your particular dental requirements. Our advanced dental implant procedure and expert dental implant surgery techniques guarantee both patient comfort and the best possible outcomes.

Implant Placement Procedures

Traditional Two-Stage Implant Surgery

This tried-and-true technique entails two distinct surgical procedures:

  • After inserting the implant into the mandible, we cover it with gum tissue to allow it to heal for three to six months, promoting optimal oral health and bone loss prevention.
  • The second minor procedure exposes the implant, allowing us to attach the crown and abutment, which restore the function and appearance of your natural teeth.

For patients who need the longest possible healing period and bone integration, this method is perfect.

Single-Stage Implant Surgery

This process, often referred to as one-piece implants, combines the healing abutment and implant in a single step. There is no need for a second surgery, as the implant remains visible above the gum line during the healing process. For candidates for dental implants who have healthy bone density and quality, this can be a great choice, offering a strong foundation for artificial tooth roots that will ultimately support natural tooth function and appearance.

Immediate Post-Extraction Implant Placement

After a tooth extraction, we can implant a good candidate right away. This method may shorten the duration of treatment overall while maintaining bone structure, providing an efficient solution for dental care and replacement teeth. Our oral surgeons perform the procedure with precision to ensure the best long-term results.

Delayed Implant Placement

We might advise delaying implant placement in situations involving infection or inadequate bone. After the tooth is extracted, we position the implant a few months later, allowing the area to heal fully before proceeding. This ensures the final restoration is tooth-colored and provides optimal support for the implant.

Computer-Guided Implant Surgery

We can more accurately place implants by using sophisticated 3D imaging and planning tools. This technology frequently leads to quicker recovery times, permits minimally intrusive procedures, and is particularly beneficial for patients with periodontal disease, ensuring the best possible outcome for implant placement and overall oral health.

Flapless Implant Surgery

With this minimally invasive method, we insert the implant through a small gum tissue punch, eliminating the need to raise a flap. It can hasten recovery, lessen discomfort following surgery, and provide an effective solution for tooth replacement with minimal disruption to surrounding tissues.

Sinus Lift with Implant Placement

We use a sinus lift surgery to add bone graft material to upper jaw implants when the bone height is inadequate. We insert the implant post either all at once or in phases, depending on your situation, to ensure optimal integration and long-term stability.

Ridge Split and Implant Placement

We can broaden the jawbone with a ridge split operation if it is too narrow for an implant. Depending on the circumstances, implants are inserted either concurrently or after a healing interval, with guidance from your restorative dentist to ensure proper placement and successful integration.

Tailored Solutions for Your Dental Health

In order to suggest the best implant placement technique for you, Dr. Kim will thoroughly assess your dental health, bone density, and entire medical history during your appointment. To make sure you are completely educated and at ease with your treatment plan, we will go over the advantages and factors to take into account of each strategy.

Restoring your smile and raising your standard of living are our top priorities at Kim Dental Implants. With the right maintenance, the long-lasting, natural-looking results of our sophisticated implant insertion techniques can last a lifetime.

Need to See a Dental Implant Expert?

Make an appointment with Dr. Kim to get the best possible treatment plan.
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